Beverly’s passion is to help you look and feel your best. For you to radiate confidence, to shine and for you to recapture your natural beauty.

Together with you, she will reveal your inner strength and beauty through:


  • Personalized Skincare Rituals — From aging to acne, get that smooth, glowing complexion you’ve been dreaming about.
  • Makeup Routines for Your Lifestyle — Even if all you have is 5 minutes in the morning.
  • Color Analysis — Save time, money, and frustration with clothes and makeup perfectly matched for your complexion, hair, and eye color.
  • Wardrobe Styling — No more trying on 8 outfits in your closet before you find one you put on and mumble, “I guess this will do.”
  • Special Occasion Makeovers — From weddings to TV commercials to photo shoots and fashion shows, this is your time to be front and center.


Whether you are a busy mom looking for that everyday casual — yet pulled together look — for running errands and playing taxi cab driver, tutor, and chef all in one breath or you just landed your dream job and want to refine your image; or you have struggled with problematic skin for longer than you can remember…Bev creates a customized self-care routine that seamlessly blends into your life.

I was introduced to all-natural brands of make-up during a visit to Louisiana, while living in Ohio. I was a stay-at-home mom at that time with a twelve month old daughter and three year old son. The company was already an industry leader, yet it was only 3 years old when I joined. All I had to do was try the products one time and I was hooked. I saw a chance to make money, have fun and still be home with my children.

My mission for these past 30 years has been to help my clients and team members access their best selves in their personal and professional lives. By enhancing a person’s outer beauty, you can help them tap into the confidence needed to set and achieve higher goals and live happier more fulfilling lives.

I have loved being a professional consultant. It has given me a lifestyle I would have never even dreamed of but by far, the most rewarding part of this business has been the life-long friendships and relationships that I have formed with my team and women all over the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. I can’t imagine ever doing anything else. Why would I? All I do is make people happy!

Beverly Murphy is the owner of Beauti Basics, a private studio in Charleston, SC. She is a certified skincare, cosmetic, and image consultant and member of AICI (Association of Image Consultants International). With over 31 years in the beauty industry, Beverly partners with production companies as the makeup artist for live television, commercials, fashion shows, and photo shoots. Her work has been featured on CNN, CBS, ESPN, MSNBC, FOX News, Team People, and Studio Z. She is one of the most sought-after make up artists and image consultants in the Southeast and travels the country to support, coach, and grow her team.